Welcome #

Hello, I am Zhicheng Wang, welcome to my page.
Currently, I’m pursuing my Master’s degree in Human-Computer Interaction at Aalto University.
My passion lies at the intersection of software and hardware technology, with a particular focus on VR/AR, Wearable Technology, Haptic / Tangible Interaction Design, and Digital Fabrication.
Here is my CV.
You can explore additional pages for more insights into my work:
- Digital Fabrication, which details my experience in a six-month program where I learned about digital fabrication methods.
- Smart Wearables, where I share details about creating a gesture-recognizing glove using textile-based sensors.
- Embodied Interaction, where I developed an interactive installation to experiment with physical interaction concepts.
I also enjoy exploring new media art as a hobby. You can check my Vimeo portfolio for my previous works.